Christmas Journal – FREE

Lately, I have been feeling very nostalgic about my family. I am the youngest of seven children and we have six children ourselves. The older my parents, siblings and children get, I find myself frequently reflecting on what an amazing family I have. Growing up we have always had large gatherings on Christmas day and I cherish those memories. But time goes by so quickly and memories fade, people get older and traditions change. I wanted to create a Christmas Journal where my family can answer simple holiday questions. Nothing earth shattering but just a short, written history about our Christmas traditions, favorites and more.
I put it together last night and I think it came out nice. The plan is to have each family member answer the question on the same page followed by their name. I am hoping to fill out two pages per week until Christmas comes. In addition, I plan on bringing the journal to our large family gathering and leaving it on the table like a guest book. I can’t wait to see everyone’s responses and admire the different styles of handwriting.
You could easily use this in a classroom as well to share Christmas traditions among students.
So here is my Christmas gift from Growing Play to you! Just enter your email and you will be redirected to the download page! Merry Christmas!