Self-Confidence in Teens

As parents, we understand that self-confidence is important in teenagers. Frequently the emphasis is often on girls' self-esteem, boys need to be confident, too and often struggle just as much (although perhaps in different areas). Here are some tips to boost self-confidence in teens.

As parents, we understand that self-confidence is important in teenagers. Frequently the emphasis is often on girls’ self-esteem, boys need to be confident, too and often struggle just as much (although perhaps in different areas). Here are some tips to boost self-confidence in teens.

Boost Self-Confidence in Teens Tip #1 – Recognize Your Talents

It’s easy for teens to blow off their abilities and not recognize their talents, especially if their peers make fun of them (and they probably do so out of jealousy).  Encourage your teen to make a list of things they love to do and are good at.  They can keep this list just for themselves and look at it often. Next time they flunk a test or say something they wish they hadn’t, they can glance at the list of talents to help boost their self-confidence.

As parents, write them a small positive note or tell them often the talents that you see in them.  Sometimes, teens don’t see it within themselves what special talents they may have.

Teens will start to realize that the talents won’t go away, and they can rely on them for the rest of  their lives…as long as they cultivate them.

Boost Self-Confidence in Teens Tip #2 – Cultivate Your Abilities

Teens may have so many interests and abilities that it’s impossible to develop them all; or, perhaps they may have one thing they really love to do. Regardless, encourage your teen to look into developing and using their abilities in applications beyond school. Not only will it open more opportunities to look for activities around your community, but it might also remove them from peer judgment.

Boost Self-Confidence in Teens Tip #3 – Be Like a Duck

Have you ever heard the expression that you should be like a duck and let negative words and attitudes roll off your back? It’s a good thing to cultivate – if you take every criticism or off-hand comment to heart, you might find yourself paralyzed with fear of other’s judgment. Remember, school and teenage-hood are not forever. Remind your teen that they will get out of this stage and don’t let the criticisms of others sabotage your future, which lasts a lot longer than middle and high school!

Boost Self-Confidence in Teens Tip #4 – Resist the Urge to Compare

When teens look at their friends, classmates, or pictures of celebrities, they need to try to resist the temptation to scrutinize them as the gold standard to which they should aspire. Someone will always have better legs, superior athletic prowess, nicer hair, etc. than you. But those people don’t set the standard for you; you are who you are, and they can’t measure up to that, either!

Boost Self-Confidence in Teens Tip #5 – Listen to the Inner Voice – Then Tell It to Shut Up

Have your teen stop and listen to your inner thoughts for a while.  Encourage them to think about the following – What do you automatically think of yourself in response to certain situations? What do when you wake up, interact with friends, or go to class? If you are tearing yourself down with negative thoughts, you need to stop. Address the negative self-talk and replace it with positive self-talk instead.

Do You Know a Teen Who is Struggling With Self-Confidence?

Are you looking to brighten someone's day at home, work or school?  These Stay Positive Encouragement Cards include 25 simple but important messages to share with your friends, co-workers and family members.

The Stay Positive Encouragement Cards include 25 uplifting messages to spread kindness and positivity.  Each card is the size of a business card (3.5″ x 2″).  The front is high gloss and the back of the card is matte so you can write a heartfelt note.  Send a note that says “You are a star” or “Believe in Yourself”.  The teen can tuck the small card in his/her pocket as a reminder that they can accomplish their dreams and people are rooting for them!

As parents, we understand that self-confidence is important in teenagers. Frequently the emphasis is often on girls' self-esteem, boys need to be confident, too and often struggle just as much (although perhaps in different areas). Here are some tips to boost self-confidence in teens.