Christmas Spot the Difference FREE Puzzle

 This Christmas Spot the Difference free printable is ready to go to see if you can find and circle the seven differences between the two Santa pictures.

Need an activity to entertain the kids this holiday season? This Christmas Spot the Difference free printable is ready to go to see if you can find and circle the seven differences between the two Santa pictures. Sharpen your pencils and get ready. You can download this freebie at the bottom of the post.

How Does the Christmas Spot the Difference FREE Puzzle Work?

All you need to do are these three steps:

  1. Sign up to download the freebie at the bottom of the post.
  2. Download and print the Christmas Spot the Difference FREE puzzle.
  3. Grab a pencil and see if you can find and circle the 7 differences between the two Santa pictures.

When Is A Good Time to Use This Puzzle?

Kids and adults would love to complete this puzzle when:

  • you need a quiet activity at home for when the kids unplug
  • it is indoor recess
  • your students finish early
  • you need a calm station for a holiday party.

What Skills Does this Puzzle Work On?

Puzzles are fun to complete no doubt but did you know that they also work on brain power! Children are working on the following skills with this puzzle:

  • visual motor skills
  • visual discrimination skills
  • visual scanning skills

These three skills are all important factors in helping children with reading!

Want to Add In Some Competition?

If you have more than one child or student who is up for some friendly competition, give each child a puzzle. On GO, see who can find all 7 differences first.

If you want to extend this Christmas Spot the Difference FREE puzzle activity, ask each student to draw a simple spot the difference puzzle and share with a friend. This adds in creativity and drawing skills to the challenge.

Need More Fun Find the Difference Puzzles?

The Christmas Find the Difference digital download includes 16 find the differences puzzles with a fun holiday theme and the solutions to the puzzles.

This free puzzle is from the complete Christmas Find the Difference packet. The digital download includes 16 find the differences puzzles with a fun holiday theme and the solutions to the puzzles.

Download your FREE Christmas Spot the Difference Free Puzzle Here

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 This Christmas Spot the Difference free printable is ready to go to see if you can find and circle the seven differences between the two Santa pictures.