Fun Monkey Facts for Kids
Did you Know…

Monkeys are fascinating creatures, and kids will love learning about the many interesting facts about them. From howler monkeys, to squirrel monkeys, to owl monkeys, to vervet monkeys, to titi monkeys, to golden monkeys, to woolly monkeys, and every monkey in between, we will cover some of the most interesting monkey facts for kids about different species of monkeys. So put on your learning cap and get ready to learn some fun monkey facts!
Did you know that there are over 260 different species of monkeys? Or that they can be found on every continent except Antarctica? How about the fact that monkeys travel in cartloads with a designated leader? Download your FREE packet at the bottom of this blog post. Get kids reading, playing, and learning all about monkeys!
Monkey Groups
Monkeys are very social animals and like to live in groups. A group of monkeys can be referred to as a troop or cartload. Group size can vary depending on the species. Smaller groups contain around five monkeys while large groups can have upwards of fifty monkeys. That’s a lot of monkeys!
A monkey group is usually led by an alpha monkey. This individual is responsible for protecting the group from danger and for finding food and water resources. The alpha monkey is not always the most aggressive member of the group though! In fact, many times the alpha monkey is quite passive and doesn’t fight for dominance very often. An adult male monkey is commonly the alpha monkey, although female monkeys can be the alpha monkey too!
Monkey groups have a strict hierarchy, with each individual knowing their place in the group. This helps to keep order within the group and ensures that everyone knows their role.
Monkey Facts for Kids – Diets
While bananas are a common food among monkey groups, monkeys eat a wide range of other food. In fact, almost all monkeys are omnivorous animals, which means that they eat both plants and meat. Some species of monkeys are specialists in eating certain types of food. For example, the proboscis monkey is a specialist in eating nectar from flowers.
Tarsier monkeys are the only living monkeys who just eat the meat of wild animals. These monkeys are the only carnivorous monkeys and they do not eat plants.
Monkeys will spend upwards of one hour every day searching for food to eat. They will find bird eggs, tiny lizards, insects, and a variety of greens to eat.
Watch out for the Monkeys!
Monkey tails are not just for show. They play an important role in helping the monkey stay balanced while swinging through the trees. Monkey tails also act as a fifth limb, which can help them grip onto a tree branch tightly. The crab-eating macaque, also known as the long-tailed macaque, has the longest tail with an average length of 70 centimeters. That’s over two feet long!
Some monkeys, like the great apes, have longer arms than legs. These long arms help them jump from tree to tree. Great apes also have very short thumbs to help them grip the branches and tree limbs.
Not all monkeys swing through trees though! Some species of monkeys, like the gelada baboon, walk on two legs instead of four. And some macaques (a type of monkey) even swim! Can you imagine a monkey swimming in the water with you?
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Monkey Facts for Kids – Characteristics
Unlike humans, a baby monkey is born with all its baby teeth. They will start losing their baby teeth when they are about six months old and will have all their permanent adult teeth by the time they are two years old. Do you have all your adult teeth yet? Probably not. That’s okay, though! Monkeys develop at different rates than us, which is actually pretty cool!
Some monkeys use tools to help them with their everyday tasks. For example, some macaques use stones as tools to break open nuts, and spider monkeys use sticks to get at the insects in tree bark.
Monkeys use a variety of methods to communicate with one another. They use vocalizations (sounds they make), gestures (body movements), and facial expressions to send messages to each other. In fact, monkey communication is very similar to human communication.
Monkey brains are very small. The average monkey brain is about the size of a human thumb. However, despite their small brains, monkeys are very intelligent creatures! They can learn complex tasks quickly and solve problems easily.
Monkeys, Monkeys, Everywhere
Monkeys are some of the most versatile animals in the world. They can be found in a variety of environments, from rainforests to deserts. Some species of monkeys even live in cold climates, such as Russia and Japan. Monkeys have specially adapted coats that help them stay warm in colder weather.
Most monkeys live for around 20-25 years in the wild. However, some monkey species can live for up to 40 years or more! Capuchin monkeys have some of the longest lifespans. The longest living monkey ever recorded was a female capuchin who lived to be 82 years old. That’s more than the average life expectancy of humans!
Let’s Review Monkey Facts for Kids
Monkeys are some of the most fascinating animals on Earth! They can be found in South America swinging from trees in the rainforest, eating a variety of foods in South Asia, and communicating with each other in open areas throughout Central America.
Monkeys are located in different places all over the world and are some of the most playful animals. They love to play games and explore their surroundings. This helps them learn about their environment and how to interact with other members of their group. Monkeys use their tails to help them explore and it keeps them balanced while they swing from the treetops.
Monkeys also know how to use tools, such as stones and sticks to help them find food. Monkeys are very intelligent animals and like to travel in groups to protect themselves and their young. Have you ever seen a monkey? Most people see monkeys in a zoo or animal sanctuary, but some people are lucky enough to see monkeys out in the wild. Add that to your bucket list!
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