100 FUN Would You Rather Questions for Teens
One of the classic games that never gets old is the “Would You Rather” game. It’s the perfect way to get to know someone, spark interesting conversations, or simply share lots of laughs with friends. For teenagers, coming up with intriguing scenarios can be so much fun! Check out these 100 Would You Rather Questions for Teens, each designed to be both fun and thought-provoking.
Interested in more fun for teens? Check out these Fun Facts for Teens and discover 8 Things Tweens and Teens Can Do Instead of Social Media. For a camping twist to the classic game, take a look at Would You Rather – Camping Style.
You can download a FREE printable PDF of these questions at the bottom of the post.
Would You Rather Questions for Teens: Social and Lifestyle
- Would you rather lose your cell phone for a month or miss graduation?
- Would you rather be the most popular kid in high school or the smartest person?
- Would you rather have unlimited money but only eat school cafeteria food or live on an average wage with your favorite food available anytime?
- Would you rather have no access to social media for a year or no video games for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather take a gap year to travel the world or enroll in your dream college immediately after high school?
Questions for Teens: Silly and Fun
- Would you rather eat dog food-flavored ice cream or ice cream-flavored dog food?
- Would you rather wear a clown nose every time you laugh or have tiny feet?
- Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon that could take you to school?
- Would you rather have the ability to time travel but only to the past or be able to read people’s minds but only their silly questions?
- Would you rather be stuck in a horror movie or be the main character in an action movie where the villain is a rotten egg?
Would You Rather Questions for Teens: Fantasies and Dreams
- Would you rather go on road trips with a famous movie star or receive personal guitar lessons from a famous musician?
- Would you rather have a photographic memory or the power to see people’s thoughts as text messages?
- Would you rather live a real life where you are president of the United States or in a dream world where you’re the funniest person?
- Would you rather be a famous actor in a scary movie or a famous athlete on the losing team?
- Would you rather have x-ray vision or be able to fly?
Questions for Teens: Food and Choices
- Would you rather eat sour milk once or dog food for an entire week?
- Would you rather dine in a fancy restaurant with your best friend or have a private concert with your celebrity crush?
- Would you rather lose your sense of taste and get a shopping spree or keep your sense of taste but only eat cat food for a month?
- Would you rather always eat junk food and never gain weight or eat healthily but have to consume a live frog once a year?
- Would you rather be a personal chef to a rude famous actor or the best singer but only in outer space?
Would You Rather Questions for Teens: Love and Friendship
- Would you rather find true love but have bad breath forever or never find true love but always smell amazing?
- Would you rather go on a first date at Disney World wearing a police officer uniform or at an amusement park dressed as a famous athlete from the opposing team?
- Would you rather send all your thoughts to your close friends for a single day or receive theirs but not be able to respond?
- Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or the worst player on a winning team?
- Would you rather spend a day at a theme park with your best friend or a week on a new planet with the most popular person in school?
Would You Rather Questions for Teens: Miscellaneous Fun
- Would you rather spend family game night playing only board games or video games?
- Would you rather always have to walk on hot coals to get to your dream job or swim in cold showers to attend your dream vacation?
- Would you rather be the best student but only in subjects about pet dogs or the funniest person but only when playing a musical instrument?
- Would you rather have to wear long hair for the rest of your life or be an only child in a family of famous musicians?
- Would you rather never be able to speak but write beautiful songs or have a great job but always lose at every party game?
Questions for Teens: Dreams & Aspirations
- Would you rather have the chance to intern at your dream company for a summer or study abroad for a year in a country of your choice?
- Would you rather instantly master any skill you want or be able to inspire and motivate anyone with your words?
- Would you rather invent a solution for a global problem or be a famous artist whose work touches millions?
- Would you rather be a best-selling author or a groundbreaking scientist?
- Would you rather have your future job be your current hobby or something you’ve never tried before?
- Would you rather work under a strict boss with a high salary or a lenient boss with an average salary?
- Would you rather give a TED talk or perform at a major event?
- Would you rather start your own business or lead a major charitable organization?
- Would you rather live without ever having regrets or without ever facing failures?
- Would you rather be known for your intelligence or your kindness?
- Would you rather have one guaranteed success in life or always have the courage to try new things?
- Would you rather be a role model for peers or be mentored by someone you idolize?
- Would you rather make a significant discovery that benefits humanity or inspire someone else to make that discovery?
- Would you rather be able to learn any language instantly or be able to communicate any idea perfectly?
- Would you rather graduate top of your class with great effort or easily be an average student?
- Would you rather live in a world where everyone pursues their passion or a world where everyone supports each other’s dreams?
- Would you rather achieve all your dreams but not be remembered or inspire countless others without personal success?
- Would you rather work alone and accomplish more or collaborate with others and accomplish slightly less?
- Would you rather follow a clear path to success or carve your unique journey with uncertain outcomes?
- Would you rather be famous globally but with less personal time or locally famous with ample leisure?
Would You Rather Questions for Teens: Just for Fun
- Would you rather have fingers as long as your legs or legs as short as your fingers?
- Would you rather sneeze glitter or have your laughter sound like various musical instruments?
- Would you rather be a wizard in the modern world or a teen with a smartphone in a magical realm?
- Would you rather have pizza with cookie dough toppings or ice cream with hot sauce swirls?
- Would you rather play video games using only your mind or have real-life adventures guided by a game storyline?
- Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with ten puppies or three koalas?
- Would you rather be able to change the color of anything with a touch or change the taste of anything with a thought?
- Would you rather live in a treehouse with modern amenities or a mansion without electricity?
- Would you rather have every movie you watch turn into a musical or every book you read turn into a comic strip?
- Would you rather have shoes that light up and play music with every step or clothes that change design based on your mood?
- Would you rather be able to mimic any sound or be able to shape-shift into any object for an hour?
- Would you rather have hair that glows in the dark or eyes that change colors with the weather?
- Would you rather never have to brush your teeth but have them be neon green or brush regularly but have them sparkle like diamonds?
- Would you rather live in a world where everyone has to sing their feelings or one where people dance to communicate?
- Would you rather be the monarch of a tiny island populated by animals or be a regular teen in a city populated by mythical creatures?
- Would you rather have to use a quill and ink for everything or communicate only through hand-written emojis?
- Would you rather have a backpack that produces any snack you want or shoes that transport you anywhere with a click?
- Would you rather be able to pause time for 10 seconds a day or fast-forward time for 5 seconds?
- Would you rather have clouds made of marshmallow in a world of chocolate or oceans of lemonade in a candy land?
- Would you rather become a character in your last watched show/movie for a day or bring one character from it to your world?
Even More Questions
- Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere but only during full moons or fly, but at a walking speed?
- Would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button?
- Would you rather eat only desserts for a month or only spicy foods?
- Would you rather have your favorite fictional character as a best friend in real life or be a character in your favorite book/movie?
- Would you rather always wear shoes two sizes too big or shirts two sizes too small?
- Would you rather have to sing instead of speaking or dance everywhere you go?
- Would you rather never be able to use emojis again or have to use five emojis in every text?
- Would you rather be stuck in the ’80s without the internet or be in the future but only use technology from the ’80s?
- Would you rather be able to communicate with animals or speak every human language?
- Would you rather have your dream wardrobe but only wear each outfit once or have only five outfits but they never get dirty or wear out?
- Would you rather always be 10 minutes late to everything or always be 20 minutes early?
- Would you rather always have to enter rooms by announcing your name or always have to do a cartwheel out?
- Would you rather spend a day in the life of your favorite musician or your favorite athlete?
- Would you rather always have popcorn kernels stuck in your teeth or always have cold water shocks in the shower?
- Would you rather always have to wear winter clothes in summer or summer clothes in winter?
- Would you rather be able to detect any lie you hear or get away with any lie you tell?
- Would you rather be stuck on a deserted island with your favorite book or your favorite song?
- Would you rather have your life narrated by Morgan Freeman or turned into a musical?
- Would you rather have unlimited access to movies or unlimited access to books?
- Would you rather be able to control the weather once a week or change the outcome of any one event once a month?
- Would you rather never have to charge your devices again or have unlimited free Wi-Fi everywhere you go?
- Would you rather be famous on the internet for a meme or have a minor role in a blockbuster movie?
- Would you rather have a pet dinosaur (that’s safe!) or a robot with AI?
- Would you rather have a month without any homework or a week where you can eat anything without consequences?
- Would you rather have the ability to paint like Picasso or sing like Freddie Mercury?
- Would you rather be the main character in a love story or an adventure story?
- Would you rather always get stuck in traffic but listen to the best songs on the radio or have a clear road but only listen to ads?
- Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be immune to fire?
- Would you rather live without music or without movies?
- Would you rather always know the future or be able to revisit any moment in the past?
“Would You Rather” questions for teens are a great way to spark engaging conversations and have much fun. Whether you’re looking for great conversation starters, ice breakers, or just a fun activity for the next time you’re hanging out with friends, these questions offer a variety of scenarios that will surely provide lots of laughs and thought-provoking discussions. So, next time you’re on a road trip, having a fun game night, or just hanging out with friends, pull out some of these questions and get ready for some interesting answers!
Download your FREE PDF of the Questions for Teenagers Here
Click below to get a PDF of these fun questions! When you are done with these questions, try this trendy word search for teens. Find 400+ Would You Rather Questions here for even more fun!