
January 28 – Fun Fact of the Day

Hey kids and (and adults)! Did you know that January 28 is a really special day for all the LEGO lovers out there? It’s National LEGO Day, a day to celebrate one of the most amazing and fun toys in the world. On this day, we remember how LEGO bricks have been sparking creativity and building dreams for decades. You can check out all of the Fact of the Day for kids here.


National LEGO Day is the perfect time to get creative and have fun with those colorful bricks. Here are some awesome ways you can join in the celebration:

  • Build your dream house or a spaceship with your LEGO set.
  • Have a LEGO building contest with your friends or family.
  • Create a LEGO art piece and display it in your room.
  • Try to build something using only one color of LEGO bricks.
  • Make a storybook with LEGO characters and share it with your friends.


As you celebrate National LEGO Day, let’s think a bit deeper about these fascinating little bricks:

  • How do you think LEGO bricks can help you learn and be creative?
  • Imagine you could invent a new type of LEGO brick. What would it be like?
  • What is the most amazing thing you’ve ever built with LEGO, and why is it special to you?
  • If you could be a character in a LEGO world, who would you be and why?
  • Think about how LEGO bricks are made. What do you think that process looks like?


National Lego Day, celebrated today, is a tribute to one of the most iconic and enduring toys in the world. Here are five fun facts about this special day and the Lego universe:

  1. Origins and Celebration: National Lego Day is observed annually on January 28th to honor the day when the patent for the original Lego brick was filed in 1958. This day is celebrated by Lego enthusiasts worldwide with various activities, including building competitions, themed parties, and sharing Lego creations on social media.
  2. A Danish Invention: Lego was invented in Denmark by Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter, in 1932. Initially, Lego bricks were made of wood and were meant to be a versatile toy for children. The switch to the now-famous plastic bricks occurred in 1947, revolutionizing the toy industry.
  3. Meaning of the Name: The name ‘Lego’ is derived from the Danish phrase “leg godt,” which translates to “play well.” This simple yet profound name reflects the company’s commitment to fostering creativity and imagination in children and adults alike.
  4. Record-Breaking Popularity: Lego is one of the world’s most popular toys and holds a Guinness World Record for the largest number of compatible toy bricks – with over 400 billion Lego bricks produced since 1958. Incredibly, Lego estimates that on average, every person on Earth owns 86 Lego bricks!
  5. More than Just a Toy: Beyond being a beloved toy, Lego has become a cultural icon, inspiring movies, video games, competitions, and even educational programs. Lego bricks are used in classrooms around the world to teach principles of engineering, mathematics, and design, proving that they are not only fun but also educational.

National Lego Day is more than just a celebration of a toy; it’s a day to appreciate creativity, innovation, and the joy of building, whether you’re young or just young at heart.


Here are a few questions to spark conversation. Would you rather…

  • Build the tallest LEGO tower or the most detailed LEGO house?
  • Only use LEGO bricks in one color for all your creations or use every color except your favorite one?
  • Spend a day in a life-sized LEGO house or in a city made entirely of LEGO?


Here are more fun ideas to help keep the kids entertained on a cold January 27: