inQUIZitive Challenge Day 1

I am starting a new series today to try and get back into blogging mode.  I have so many ideas, suggestions and games to share with families just not enough time to write it all down.  So…… I am going to try (stress the word TRY) to post everyday until the end of the year […]

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Can You Set the Record?

The Set the Record download is a collection of 25 different finger testing, singing and physical activity challenges.  Pick a challenge and see who can set the record for the fastest, longest, most, shortest and tallest skills! Write down the top scores to keep track of who holds the records for each challenge.  Print as full size pages […]

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Top 5 Family Christmas Traditions

Top 5 Family Christmas Traditions

Throughout the years, our large family has participated in different Christmas traditions.  There is something so comforting about family traditions.  They can strengthen a family bond, create stability, provide familiarity and increase emotional ties. Here are my top 5 family Christmas traditions: 1.  BAKE COOKIES TOGETHER – The taste of the cookie dough, the smells […]