Toddler Time – Tube Tray

Here is a simple activity for toddlers using recycled items.  Using clear packing tape, attach the toilet paper tubes to a piece of cardboard.  Put a tray of colorful items next to the tube tray.  The toddler can place the items inside the tubes.  For this activity, there was buttons, jingle bells and pipe cleaners […]

Outdoor Fort

 Yesterday, I posted about an indoor fort with lights (pouring rain two days ago). Today it was a beautiful day out and my 6 year old decided to take fort building outdoors. Using the parachute, scrap wood and fabric scraps she created this awesome fort. She made a seat for herself and even a guest. […]

Fort with Lights

Grab some battery operated colored lights and toss inside a homemade tent.  Your toddler will be amazed while learning cause and effect and color recognition.  Turning on and off the lights was so much fun and evoked lots of talking (“on…off”).  This was loads of entertainment for my little one lasting throughout the day.  

Lotion Love

Some children enjoy playing with lotion.  This activity offers a pleasant sensory experience as well as an excellent learning opportunity to explore body awareness, body part identification (for the young ones), crossing midline to help with using both sides of the body correctly and right/ left discrimination. This can get messy but most children really […]