Over 200 Fun Facts for Kids
Kids are curious human beings. They are constantly looking for new things to learn about the world around them. Not only are fun facts for kids a great way to introduce children to new things, but they are also incredibly interesting themselves! Scientists have done a lot of research on facts, so you can rest assured that your young ones (and yourself) will be learning a lot in a fun way. These facts are fun to share in your classroom, during indoor recess, or even as a conversation starter.

30 Random Facts for Kids
Here is a list of general fun facts for kids that are random and just plain interesting.
1. The average person laughs about 15 times a day
2. Your brain can not feel pain, which is why it’s possible to have surgery on your brain without any anesthesia.
3. You blink over 16 million times in a single year.
4. Around 30 million bacteria live on every square inch of the human body!
5. You can see all of the planets in our solar system without a telescope.
6. Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute on this planet!
7. There is enough concrete in the Hoover Dam to create a four-foot sidewalk that would circle the Earth at the equator.
8. You can’t hum a song while holding your nose closed.
9. Twelve percent of people dream in black and white only.
10. The silk of a spider’s web is stronger than steel.
11. If Earth were the size of a basketball, the moon would be the size of a tennis ball.
12. It is super hard to sneeze with your eyes open.
13. The average human being spends about two and half days per month looking for lost objects.
14. In emergencies, coconut water can be used as blood plasma.
15. There are more than 200 bones in the adult human body!
16. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain!
17. We have taste receptors on our skin, so if you ate something that caused your skin to feel hot or tingly, the food would actually be spicy
18. There are more active neurons firing in our brain when we’re dreaming than when we’re awake!
19. In the United States, more tomatoes are consumed than any other fruits or vegetables!
20. If you cut off a cockroach’s head, it can live for about 8 days
21. There are more than 10 million bricks in the Empire State Building!
22. Only female mosquitoes bite us – male mosquitoes only drink the juices of plants!
23. It is physically impossible for you to lick your own elbow!
24. Tiger stripes are like human fingerprints. No two tigers have the same stripe patterns.
25. When people first started playing basketball, you couldn’t dribble the ball and some teams had up to 50 players.
26. The Lut Desert is the hottest place on earth. The highest temperature recorded here was 159 degrees Fahrenheit.
27. There are more public libraries than McDonald’s in the United States today
28. Every minute of the day, humans shed tens of thousands of skill cells.
29. The only continent without reptiles or snakes is Antarctica
30. Hawaii’s Mauna Loa is the largest active volcano on our planet.
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20 Human Body Facts for Kids
The human body is an amazing work of art. Here are some interesting facts for kids:
1. If all your blood vessels were unwound, they would stretch 100,000 miles long! This means it could stretch around the earth many times.
2. Tears are essential to help you see clearly. When you get older you make less tears.
3. The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet!
4. You blink over 10,000 times per day or 12 times per minute.
5. Out of all of the senses, smell is most closely linked to memory – which explains why certain smells bring back vivid memories!
6. It’s impossible to tickle yourself.
7. Babies take 40 breaths per minute. Adults take 12 to 16 breaths per minute.
8. Bodies give off a tiny amount of light that’s too weak for the eye to see.
9. The human body contains enough fat to produce 7 bars of soap!
10. Blood is blue until it reaches oxygen, at which point it turns red!
11. The human brain is about 80% water
12. Your fingernails grow at different rates. The middle fingernail grows the fastest and the thumb grows the slowest.
13. Throughout your lifetime, you grow 590 miles of hair.
14. The human brain is more active sleeping than it is watching TV!
15. A human will eat approximately 35 tons of food over the course of his or her lifetime.
16. You are taller in the morning than you are at night.
17. It would take about 100,000 mosquitoes sucking your blood to drain it out completely.
18. A baby is born with 300 bones but only 206 bones as an adult because some of them fuse together
19. You can’t hum while holding your nose closed.
20. People with blue eyes tend to be more sensitive to bright light than people who have other eye colors!
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20 Geography and Fun Science Facts for Kids
There is a huge amount of wonder about science and nature. Here are 20 science fun facts for kids.
1. Bamboo can grow 3 feet in one day.
2. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. It is even smaller than New York City’s Central Park.
3. There are chocolate flowers that smell like chocolate and can be eaten!
4. One pound of lemons contains more sugar than one pound of strawberries!
5. Saturn’s rings could fit over 7 Earths with room to spare. If you put Saturn in water, it would float
6. A single cloud can weigh as much as 1 million pounds!
7. Around two thousand different languages are spoken in Africa.
8. Uranus is the only planet that sits on its side causing it to have extreme weather.
9. A cucumber is 96 percent water!
10. If you rub a balloon on your head, the static electricity in your hair will attract the balloon to your hand.
11. If you put Mount Everest on the bottom of the ocean, there would be 1 mile of water covering it.
12. People used to believe that the Earth was the center of the universe and all other objects in space traveled around it!
13. The planet Venus spins backward on its axis, causing the sun to rise in the west and set in the east.
14. The Earth experiences 50,000 earthquakes every day!
15. The average lightning bolt is five times hotter than the surface of the sun and 50 million degrees!
16. The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean. It is 7 miles deep.
17. A single tree can produce as much oxygen in a day as 20 people!
18. It can take two years to grow one pineapple. It takes 200 flowers to develop into one fruit.
19. There are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach on Earth. Read more Space Facts for Kids.
20. There are no rivers longer than 4,000 miles because that’s the distance it takes for the earth to spin!
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30 Animal Fun Facts for Kids
We can’t have a list of fun facts for kids without including animals! Here we go with 30 crazy and interesting animal facts for kids.
1. A lion’s roar can be heard from five miles away because of its unusual vocal cords.
2. The venom of the king cobra is so deadly, one bite can kill up to 20 people or one elephant.
3. Polar bears are actually black and not white. Under all the translucent, thick fur their skin is jet black. Light reflecting on their fur makes them appear white.
4. Chimpanzees and dolphins can learn to recognize themselves in a mirror.
5. A goldfish can remember information for at least one week.
6. The only mammals that can see behind themselves without turning their heads are the rabbit and the parrot. This is because their eyes are on the side of their head.
7. A cockroach can live for seven days without its head before it starves to death!
8. The African Bush Elephant is the largest land mammal. It weighs 8 times more than a grizzly bear.
9. The only bird that can fly backward is a hummingbird and it weighs a little less than one penny.
10. A chameleon’s tongue is twice the length of its body!
11. An alligator can go through 3,000 teeth in a lifetime!
12. Only female mosquitoes bite humans and use the blood to lay their eggs!
13. Micropachycephalosaurus is the longest dinosaur name. There are 23 letters.
14. All porcupines float in water because their quills are hollow.
15. When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red and it acts as sunscreen.
16. A kangaroo can jump 25 feet in one leap and up to six feet high!
17. The only animal that doesn’t drink water are kangaroo rats.
19. There are more beetles than any other creature in the world!
20. Butterflies taste with their hind feet.
21. A horse can sleep standing up and never fall over! This is because a horse can lock their knees.
22. Bees have five eyes, six legs, and can fly about twenty miles per hour.
23. Blue whales are the largest animals on earth. Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale!
24. The baby giraffe is already six feet tall at birth!
25. Possums can play dead for up to six hours to trick a predator.
26. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out but an alligator can.
27. The life span of a squirrel living in the wild is about six years, but a squirrel can live ten years when in captivity.
28. Wolves have been known to travel more than 1,000 miles when searching for food!
29. Termites never sleep and can eat one pound of wood per day.
30. There is one bear for every 21 humans in Alaska.
31. Tiger cubs are born blind.
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Learning about all of the fun facts for kids for exciting and informative. Fun facts are interesting pieces of information that serve to entertain, educate or bewilder! There are fun facts that can be shared with kids that will help them learn in an interesting way. Kids also love learning fun facts about animals because they find the differences in nature very interesting.
What To Learn More Specific Fun Facts for Kids?
- Adult female horses are called mares.
- Adult male horses are called stallions.
- Young horses, whether a young female horse or a young male horse is called a foal.
- A horse’s brain is about the size of a grapefruit.
- Less than 30% of high school students get enough sleep.
- You Tube is the top online spot for teenagers with TikTok in second place.
- Having at least one friend is important when you are a teenager. Research reports that 98% of high schoolers have at least one good friend or more.
- Ladybugs come in many different colors, not just red and black.
- They are found all over the world.
- Ladybugs eat aphids which helps our gardens thrive.
- They can stink up the place if they feel threatened.
Read more about Ladybug Facts for Kids here and download a FREE Packet.
- The first Earth Day occurred on April 22nd, 1970 as led by peace activist John McConnell.
- Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson made it the first official Earth Day by making it a national holiday.
- Since then, Earth Day has grown to become an annual event and worldwide environmental movement.
Do you celebrate Earth Day? What are some of your favorite Earth Day activities? READ ALL ABOUT EARTH DAY FACTS FOR KIDS AND DOWNLOAD A FREE PRINTABLE PACKET.
- It’s about 93 million miles from the sun to Pluto.
- The solar system orbits around the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
- Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system with dozens of moons. It has 63 discovered moons. That’s a lot of moons!
Read more Solar System Facts for Kids and download 2 free activities.
- The Empire State Building has its own zip code: 10118.
- The Empire State Building has also been featured in more than 250 movies and TV shows, including King Kong.
- With 3,400 construction workers building the Empire State Building each day, it took only 410 days to complete the construction of the building.
Read more about the Empire State Building Facts for Kids
Did you know that honey bees are very important to the agricultural industry? In the United States, it is estimated that honey bees pollinate about $15 billion worth of crops each year!
Read more about honey bee facts for kids and download a free activity packet.
- Ice cream is the most popular frozen dessert in the United States!
- Ninety-eight percent of American households purchase pints of ice cream or gallons of ice cream at least once a year.
- The first ice cream was created over 2000 years ago.
Read more about Ice Cream Facts for Kids.
- There are three different types of muscles.
- When muscles work, they produce heat, which helps to keep us warm.
- How many finger muscles does it take to pick up an object? The answer is zero.
Read more about Muscular System Facts for Kids.
- There are two main species of wolves: red wolves and grey wolves.
- Grey wolves can run up to 35 miles per hour.
- Grey wolves live in packs and communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations.
Read more about Grey Wolf Facts for Kids and download two FREE printables – a wolf maze and a coloring page.
Did you know that at birth, zebras have brown and white stripes, but their stripes darken as they mature? These dark stripes appear black for many zebra species.
Read more zebra facts for kids and download a free activity packet.
- Dolphins are mammals, not fish.
- They travel in pods.
- They also use echolocation to navigate and hunt in the dark depths of the ocean.
Read more about Bottlenose Dolphin Facts for Kids and download two free printables – a coloring page and a word search.
- Manatees are known as gentle giants, sea cows, or mermaids of the sea.
- Manatees use their whiskers to feel around in the dark.
- A baby manatee can weigh 25 pounds at birth!
Read more about manatee facts for kids here.
- One of the most famous movie pirates is Captain Jack Sparrow, a fictional pirate captain from Pirates of the Caribbean.
- Ruthless pirates would sword fight and make captives walk across wooden planks into the water.
- Pirates sometimes buried their treasure on remote islands or in hidden caves.
Read more pirate facts for kids here.
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- Triton is the largest moon on Neptune.
- Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea.
- Neptune is much larger than Earth.
Read all the Neptune Facts for Kids here.
- Today, the pacific ocean is home to over 25,000 different islands, miles of coral platforms, and thousands of marine life.
- The pacific ocean is also the deepest ocean.
- The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia is in the pacific ocean.
Read more Pacific Ocean Facts for Kids.
- Holy cow! Did you know it can take up to 500 years just to create one inch of soil?
- Soil can be used to make bricks, pottery, and other objects.
- There are more than one trillion species of microbes in a single teaspoon of soil.
Read more soil facts for kids.
- Stegosauruses were one of the first types of dinosaurs to be discovered and studied.
- This dinosaur is known for its rows of bony plates down its back and its spiked tail.
- Stegosauruses had peg-like front teeth that were well-suited for crushing plant matter, but not for tearing flesh.
Read more stegosaurus facts for kids.
- Cougars are large, powerful cats that are native to a variety of different habitats across the world.
- Baby cougars weigh about the same as small cats and kittens at birth, but by the time they reach adulthood, they can weigh up to 200 pounds!
Read more cougar facts for kids and download a FREE cougar word search puzzle.
- Mermaids are said to have originated in medieval times.
- The word mermaid is thought to come from the Old English word “mere,” meaning “sea,” and the Old English word “maid,” meaning “woman”.
Read more mermaid facts for kids and download three FREE printable activities for your mermaid lover.
- Turtles can have a bite force of 1000 pounds!
- Larger turtles may be able to withstand upwards of 1000 pounds of pressure!
Read more turtle facts for kids and download three free printables!
- Hummingbirds can live to be 15-20 years old!
- These birds can fly forward and backward with ease.
Read more HUMMINGBIRD FACTS FOR KIDS and download two free printables.
Did you know that if you live to be 70 years old, your heart will have beaten more than 2.5 billion times throughout your life? Read more heart facts for kids.
Read more desert facts for kids and download FREE printables too!
Kangaroo Facts
Kangaroos have very strong hind legs that enable them to leap great distances (up to 15 meters in a single jump!) They can also use their powerful tails for balance when hopping around or for protection if they feel threatened.
Read more Kangaroo Facts for Kids
Did you know that birds have a highly developed sense of smell, but they lack the ability to taste sweetness? Birds can easily find flowers for nectar, but they likely can’t even taste it.
Read more about birds and download a FREE activity packet.
Did you know that pigs have good long-term memory and can remember things for up to 4 weeks? Read more pig facts for kids here and download a free activity packet.
Brush up on some dog breed facts to have some trivia fun!
- There are a total of 197 different breeds of dogs and an estimated 4 million dogs in the world! That’s a lot of dogs!
- The smallest dog breed is the Chihuahua, which can weigh as little as 2 pounds.
Read more dog facts for kids and download a free activity packet.
- Mars is about half the size of Earth, with a diameter of about 4,220 miles (6,779 kilometers). It is the second smallest planet, second only to Mercury.
- Mars is known for having the largest dust storms in the entire solar system! They can last for months and cover the entire planet.
Read more Mars Facts for Kids here.
Did you know that whales travel in pods? Or that they can be almost 100 feet long? Learn all about whales and download a free printable packet here.
Ever wonder about the true color of snowflakes? Or maybe about how they form? Read about snowflakes facts for kids here.
Learn more about winter facts for kids here.
Did you know that most of the atmosphere is nitrogen gas? Maybe you want to learn more about the ozone layer. Check out these atmosphere facts for kids.
Learn all about Spring weather, animals and more. Read fun Spring facts for kids here.
Find out more about all the bat species and their helpful traits! Read bat facts for kids.
Basketball is an incredibly popular sport that brings joy to millions of people worldwide – from professional players to those just learning the game. It provides a great way for everyone to stay in shape, practice their skills, and compete with others.
Learning about basketball rules can be fun too; whether you’re watching college games or teaching physical education classes, there’s always something new to find out! The facts about basketball are a perfect resource for kids who want more information on this amazing sport.
Learn how rainbows can bring you good luck! Read all about rainbow facts for kids.
Forest Facts for Kids
Forest facts are a great way to learn more about these amazing ecosystems. Forests are self-sufficient habitats. They are home to over 80% of terrestrial biodiversity and have enough resources to feed all these living things. Read more here on forest facts for kids.
Barn Owl Facts for Kids
A barn owl who prefers to hunt at night is classified as a night owl. Most barn owls are night owls, who begin hunting about one hour after sunset. They hunt through the entire night until about one hour before the sun rises. Could you imagine hunting for food in the dark? Read more and download a free printable packet about barn owl fun facts for kids.
Ocean Facts for Kids
Learn all about the ocean and get free puzzles too! Check out this free printable packet – Fun Ocean Facts for Kids
Fish Facts for Kids
From their gills to their tails we will cover everything about these beautiful creatures. Different fish of all different shapes and sizes swim around in the ocean with an estimated 3,500,000,000,000 fish in the World. That’s a lot of fish! Get your FREE Fish Facts for Kids Printable Packet here.
Halloween Trivia Fun
Did you know that jack-o’-lanterns were originally made from turnips? And that Frankenstein wasn’t the only creepy creature in Mary Shelley’s novel? Get ready to learn some fun and spooky facts about Halloween!
Rain Facts for Kids
Have you ever stopped to wonder why it rains? In this blog post, you will learn why it rains, how it rains, and about all the different types of rain. You can download a FREE rain facts for kids packet at the bottom of the post too! Check out Rainforest Facts for Kids too.
Revolutionary War Facts
- The American Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776 at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia.
- The American Revolutionary War was fought from 1775 to 1783.
- The turning point of the war was the Battle of Saratoga in October 1777, when colonial forces defeated a British army attempting to invade from Canada.
Read more Revolutionary War Facts for Kids.
Fun Food Facts
Did you know that peanut butter was first invented by the ancient Aztecs and Incas, who ground peanuts into a paste? Or that ice cream dates back to ancient China and Persia?
Read more fun food trivia here.
Washington Monument Facts
- Construction of the Washington Monument began in 1848, headed by Architect Robert Mills.
- The monument was built in memory of George Washington, who was the first U.S. President.
- The Washington Monument is the tallest free-standing stone structure in the world!
Read more fun Washington Monument Facts for Kids.
Pablo Picasso Facts for Kids
Did you know that Picasso started painting at only 8 years old? By the age of 15 he was considered a child prodigy! Read more interesting Pablo Picasso Facts for Kids and download a free abstract art activity.
Mexico Facts
- Mexico is the third-largest country in North America.
- Cholula is the oldest city in Mexico.
- The ancient city of Teotihuacan is located in Mexico.
Read more Mexico Facts for Kids here.