Growing Play
Disclaimer: These pages are not intended to provide medical advice or physician/therapist instruction. Information provided should not be used for diagnostic or training purposes. Consult a therapist or physician regarding specific diagnoses or medical advice.
How Play Can Ease Your Stress – Children and Adults Need to Play
How Play Can Ease Your Stress – Children and Adults Need to Play Do you ever stop to think about how much play can ease stress in your life? I am not just talking about children. Adults need to play as well. Stuart Brown, MD, founder of the National Institute for Play, reminds us that […]
Emoji Funny Maze – Free Printable!
Emoji Funny Maze I know kids spend way toooooooo much time talking about poop, trust me I live and breathe these conversations every day and have for the past decade. The bottom line is poop is funny to kids, so I bet they this emoji maze will crack them up! You can download the Emoji […]
Emoji Coloring Page Free from Growing Play
Are the kids getting bored today? The dark skies and rain are starting to get on all of our nerves. Frankly, the weather this summer has been horrible. We have a limited window of enjoying warm sunshine in upstate New York so this summer is going to make the Winter feel super long. I needed […]
Rainbow Emoji Maze – Visual Motor Activity
Check out this adorable, colorful and fun rainbow emoji maze. Challenge visual spatial and visual motor skills with this free printable. You can download your free copy at the end of the post. These mazes help children develop their fine motor skills, visual motor skills and problem solving skills. It is a perfect, no prep […]
Exercising Emojis Brain Break or Just for Fun
I am really getting into these Emoji activities. The latest one is Exercising Emojis Brain Break (download your free copy at the end of the post). It cracks me up with the big heads, the small bodies, and the emoji expressions. Use is at a quick brain break, after you eat junk food during the emoji […]
Monkey Around Emoji Game
You are going to love this fun Monkey Around Emoji Game. You can download it for free at the end of the blog post. Grab a group of kids, your family or even a group of adults to play this monkey around emoji game. Here is how you play: Print the two-page game. Cut apart […]
Find the Differences Emoji Style Free!
I’m moving on to my next theme – can you guess what it is…..hmmmm…..I’m thinking the title of this post and picture is a dead give away. Surprise it’s emoji’s. I picked emojis because they are cute, fun and appeal to a large age range. So to kick it off, here is a free find […]
How to Give Children the Gift of Play
I wanted to follow up on my previous post on giving children the gift of play where I discussed how important it is to provide children with time to just play but how difficult that can be sometimes as a busy parent. Trust me, I know how difficult it is, especially with our fast paced schedules […]
Giving the Gift of Play is Not Easy But It Is One of the Best Gifts
I am reading the book Play written by Stuart Brown, MD which is an excellent read. I already knew that play is crucial for childhood development but to read it all in one book is refreshing in this day and age of technology. In one of the chapters, he discusses the gift of play. After […]
7 Indoor Physical Activities for Rainy Days
The days of running around neighborhoods freely and walking to school seem to be a thing of the past. Instead, children sit in front of a television or computer screen for hours a day. When the weather outside is bad, the television hours increase even more. Because of this, children lead more sedentary lifestyles than […]